Septic Tanks And Water Usage: What You Need To Be Aware Of


When you are on a septic system, you have to limit the amount of water that you send down your drains on a daily basis. The amount of water that you can send down to your septic tank varies based on the size of the tank and how full the tank is. If you are new to using a septic system, you may find yourself wondering if water usage is something you really need to think about and why it is a concern. Here are a few of the questions you may have about water usage and septic tanks, as well as the answers. 

Why is Using Too Much Water a Concern with a Septic System? 

When you use too much water too quickly with a septic system, you are pushing the solid item that are trying to break down toward the bottom of the septic tank to the top. This can impede the flow of water and other debris that is now trying to get into your septic tank. 

What Can You Do to Prevent Using Too Much Water with a Septic System?

If you have a septic system, it is recommended that you take steps to limit the amount of water that flows into your septic tank at any given time or day. For example, if you have a large family, space out baths and showers. Try to space out the time between showers and the time you run your dishwasher. It is also recommended that you try to do a load of laundry every day or every other day, rather than doing five loads on a single day. 

What Are the Signs You Have Used Too Much Water in One Day? 

The tell-tale sign that you have used too much water too quickly with a septic system is that water is draining slower. If you have not noticed any problems with your shower draining, and then you notice it is slower after having sent water into the septic system throughout the day, you have used too much water. Let the system sit for awhile and see if water drains quickly again. If it does, you know you used too much water, rather than having a clog present. 

Using too much water can ultimately lead to back-ups with your septic system. However, using too much water is not the only reason why you may experience slow drainage if you have a septic system. If water is not properly draining and you have reduced the amount of water you are sending into your septic system, it may be time to have your septic system inspected. A clog may be present or it may need to be pumped. Contact septic system service providers like Eckmayer Inc to learn more. 


1 September 2019

Learning About Septic System Care and Usage

Hi there, I am Wes Nelson. When I lived in my first home, I discovered the plumbing connected directly to a septic system on the land. The septic system consisted of a tank, lines and leach field that processed the waste. I had to quickly learn how the septic system worked to keep it in good shape. I had to pay close attention to the substances I sent down the drains or flushed down the toilet. I did not want to disrupt the colonies of bacteria hard at work processing the waste products. On this site, I would like to help others keep their septic system in good working order by sharing the information I discovered. Please visit again soon.